my friends cat, isn’t she gorgeous, i’m so not a cat person, but shes lovely and she allowed me to take a few pictures of her!
i’m justing starting to create an artwork page, which will list some of the artwork i am selling, its a bit of a work in progress, i think it will take a while to go through all my images. at the moment the best place to buy is manly arts and craft market, i am there most sundays, and if you are not local then you can get prints, canvas or framed prints from my REDBUBBLE site. i’m also contacting a few local shops to see if they will stock my photo blocks, so very exciting.
here are a few of my favourite images that i put on the blocks, and they look stunning! these are also available as matted prints, which look gorgeous with a white frame.
photographed another gorgeous baby last week, he didn’t sleep very much, but was happy enough to lie there while i took pictures, he was quite expressive too! he loved being in either mum or dads though, hope you guys enjoy your sneak peak.
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